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Dr. Cheryl promoting our union

In the field with our brothers and sisters


What our union members have to say

A. - Teacher

Dr, Cheryl is incredibly important to not only education but to our union as well.  She's taken me from a new teacher struggling to find my way to a confident educator doing the best I can for the students and getting results.  I owe her my success, and she never asks for anything in return.  A truly selfless and amazing person.

J. - Teacher

I couldn't ask for a better colleague.  Dr. Cheryl knows education and recruited me into the union when I was a rookie teacher.  She is always there when I need her - both in school and out.  Her energy is endless and I know she has my back.

S. - Bus Driver

Dr, Cheryl always has a smile on her face when she visits.  I can count on her to take the time to understand what we face at work and help us when we need it.

M. - Custodian

Dr. Cheryl really cares about us.  She takes the time to learn about not only the challenges we face on the job, but what's going on in our lives outside of work.  I'm glad she's on my side.

G. - SRP

Anytime I have a question about my rights under our contract, Dr. Cheryl is there to answer them.  She's there for all of us, all the time.

A. - Teacher

Do you know where to find Dr. Cheryl?  The answer is anywhere she is needed.  It might be the football concession stand, or the sidelines of a track meet as an assistant coach, or organizing students for National Honor Society, or chaperoning at Prom - the list goes on and on.  And yet, when a union member needs representation, she's right there by our side, fighting for their rights.  She is amazing and the leader we need right now.


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